Thursday, October 17, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Help

(originally published in 2010)

Pretty much everyday I can guarantee that one of my children will ask me for help. Help in getting dressed, getting food, learning to read, getting a toy out etc...They are able and willing to ask for help. They know they can't do it all by themselves.

Why can't adults do the same thing? Why is it so much harder for us to ask for help?

I was reading the New Testament with Kale when I came across something that struck me. It was the story of the ten lepers that Jesus healed. Usually it's been told as a story about being thankful but today I read something different (Go God!).

It said "From a distance they called loudly, 'Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!' Never did Jesus pass by and refuse to help one who called." { I bolded the part that struck me - not literally struck me of course} This story is in Luke.

When Jesus healed the blind, the sick, the dumb, the lame, the dead it was because they came to Him to ask for help. It took humbling themselves and asking for God to do the miraculous.

I've heard people say it's not "who they are" or "how they were made" to ask for help. I realize it isn't an easy thing to do. I definitely have not perfected the art of asking by any means. BUT I do recognize that we won't always receive help until we ask for it. God has shown that to Mark and I. It's easy (for us at this point - not for everyone but that's a different post) to ask God for help. And I think that's because we expect Him to help us. And we should. He does, He will and He loves to. But I also know that He uses His people to answer those prayers and to help. And how will His people always know how or when to help unless we ask.

Sure we can hint but isn't that kind of annoying? Let's just come out and say it. I need help. I believe there are times when God will lay it on someone's heart to do something for someone in secret and I love it! when that happens. God absolutely can do it. But I think He also wants us to be humble and ask those that He's put into our lives to help us.

If we need someone to help us care for our children then we can ask. If we need help tearing apart our bathroom, or putting it back together for that matter, then we can ask. If we need advice about something we can ask. If we need help in our ministry we can ask. If we need help moving we can ask. If we have a financial struggle we can ask.

Yes, people can say no but they can never say yes unless we ask.

Humbling? Yes. Easy to do? No. Will it stretch us? Yes. Will it increase our faith? Yes. Will it be the end of the world if we ask? No. Will it give others opportunity to give and to help? Absolutely and most likely they'll love to do it. Just give them the chance.

I will still be on the lookout for people I can help. This isn't to say we should only do something when we're asked. That's not what I mean. But I believe there is a work that God is wanting to do in me/us when we ask Him and when we ask others for help.

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