Monday, August 17, 2015

Why Are Birthdays So Important?

© Tawna Wilkinson
Why are birthdays so important? What’s the big deal? It’s just another day you might say.

 If it’s just another day, why do we get excited when a baby is born? If it’s not a big deal, why do we feel pain when someone close to us doesn’t acknowledge it or simply forgets it? If birthdays are not important, why did the angels shout and sing so loudly the night Jesus was born? And why does all of heaven rejoice when one has been born, again?

The truth is, birthdays are important. The Lord God created us in His own image, loved us with an everlasting love, and uniquely positioned us in order that His kingdom is brought to earth through us. He bled, died and rose again so we could accomplish our exclusive rendezvous.

If birthdays do not mark a significant wonder in time and space, why did God make such a fuss over us? Because He knew when a human being is born, every relationship connected to that person brings a special effect influencing all of creation.

That’s why birthdays are so important.

How do you view your own birthday? Do you celebrate or hide?

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