31,000 feet
168 people
4 hours
1 airplane
Some passengers are working. Many read and a lucky few find a way to sleep. But rarely do people talk except to
answer the stewards inquiry of drink choice or to ask their neighbor to excuse
them as they exit the row for a restroom.
Even people traveling together are quiet.
Why do 168 travelers packed inside one tiny flying can, sitting
mere centimeters apart not communicate?
Then the doors shut.
The announcements continue and the engines come to life. That annoying whine becomes a constant
It just becomes too hard to keep up a conversation. So instead of battling the noise and
repeating yourself or risk miscommunication, we withdraw into our own universe.
In-flight noise seems to be a problem on many levels. Psychologists are studying the effects
of the constant noise on the mental health of pilots and stewards. Audiologists warn us of the hazards to
our hearing from the constant exposure to the engines constant decibel over prolonged periods of time. NASA scientists are studying how to insulate airplane walls,
windows and seats in order to reduce noise while flying.
But until new planes are built, we travel on in silence, creating our own universe within
the 18-inch space of our airplane seat.
We do the same in our seat at church.
Women are created for Life.
We are created for Fellowship.
We are created for Relationship.
Yet, we often isolate ourselves, choosing to believe the lie of the
enemy - life is messy; Fellowship
requires time and effort; Relationship makes you vulnerable to hurt, and it is
just not worth the hassle.
But the benefits of Relationship outweigh the cost of being
If the enemy can separate you from the body of Christ, then his
lies become a distorted truth to your ears.
Alone. You are alone. Alone is easier. No one cares anyone. Its too hard to make friends. Alone. Alone is safer.
No one can hurt you if you don't share your journey. Alone.
All you need is God. You don't need fellowship. Alone. Alone. Alone is
easier. Alone. Alone.
NOISE - the lie of
the enemy!
You are an essential, amazing part of the Body of Christ. His Church! It is filled with fascinating women. Amazing stories. Witty antidotes. There are tales of struggles and
Miracles; of failure and Redemption.
The women standing next to you in the coffee line, washing their hands
beside you in the bathroom and worshiping in the row in front of you are filled
with Wisdom.
And you are worth knowing too! You are needed!
You have a vital, important, amazing story to share. A story someone needs to hear! Scream against the noise of the world
and declare the Truth of God -
"I am part of Christ's Church! I need other people and they need me!""
As you stand in God's Word and His Truth, the roaring noise of
the world will become silent in light of the Truth!
God's Word
1 Corinthians 12:27 "Now you are the body of Christ, and one
of you is part of it."
Galatians 6:2 "Carry one another's burdens and in this
way you will fulfill
the law of Christ."
Titus 2 (MSG) Guilder older women into lives of reverence . .
. By
looking at then, the younger women will know how to love
their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a
good house, be good wives.
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