Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Testimony Tuesday - God is in the details

These first 2 testimonies are from Tamara Wade.  A sweet woman who loves Jesus and asks Him about every decision and every need in her life.  Thank you Tamara for reminding us that God cares about all the details!

*My tank in my car was almost empty and I asked God to stretch my gas in the fuel tank to get me to where I needed to go and he did.

*One time I wanted to go to a funeral but I was working that day. God worked it out so I could go and support my friend.

This next testimony is from Kim Beach.  Awesome story about our perspective of life!

Monday, Monday.  That dreaded day.

We expect bad news to be delivered on Monday, for cars to not work, for children to misbehave.  We refer to other challenging days as, Its like a Monday on a Friday!   Monday has received such a bad rap! 

But lets reframe it! 

Monday - the day God reminds us that His mercies are new every morning! (Lamentations 3:23). and that whatever happened yesterday is over, (2 Cor. 5:17).

This has been a challenging year to say the least.  Hospitals, doctors, travel, school - weve had our hands more than full!

As part of a regular follow-up to some medical issues, I recently had a bone scan - DEXA.  My grandfather died from complications related to a genetic form of osteoporosis.  All the women in my family are checked regularly.  At 31 years old, I was told that if I did not loose an incredible amount of weight, my bones would suffer and I would end up crippled.

So began a rough journey.  Weight loss surgery, complications, emergency surgeries, blood transfusions.  At one point, the doctors quit tell my husband he would take me home and he began preparing himself for how to raise our children alone. 

God intervened and Im still here!

This years DEXA scan was delayed because of the attention my daughter needed.  Hip pain sent me to the doctor and then for some tests. 

(NOTE:  Its a painless test.  Get it!  Take your calcium!  Walk!  Exercise!)

At the end of the test, they technician gave me a printout of the results. 

Now, Im not a doctor but life circumstances have taught me to read a lot of medical reports.    I deal with them all the time from hospitals, specialists and insurance companies. 

The bottom line of this test:  Osteoporosis at 44 years old.

Great.  I was angry.  I did all they said to do.  I nearly died to prevent, well, death!  I was so mad at God and doctors and science. 

Anger is not a sin - its what you do with that anger.  I let myself be mad and then, I moved on.  I knew God was not done with me.  He had not failed me.  I could still trust him.  And though I didnt feel these statements, I knew in my heart they were true.  Thats faith, by the way.

Three weeks pass.  Today, I received a phone call from the doctors office.  No significant change.  What?  Are you reading the same report?  I asked. 

Hmm, seems that DEXA Scans are not my repertoire.  I was reading them, basically, backwards.  My bone strength had improved in some areas and the loss in other areas was not near as great as I had thought! 



Isnt that just like God to use a bone scan to teach a lesson!  In life, we do not always read the circumstances and events as they are in HIS reality.  We see the hurt, the disappointment;  the odds are surmountable, the pain is unbearable.  We just know that God is punishing us or has abandoned us to the tormentors!

In reality, we are reading it wrong!

We are stronger - in HIM - then we imagined.  Our faith - in HIM - has increased beyond our beliefs.

My Monday - good news!  God is Faithful!  God is Trustworthy!  God is writing my story!  And He is much better at reading that I am!

Kimberly Beach


  1. Tamara and Kim, ladies thanks so much for sharing your heart and encouraging others. You're both blessings in my life.

  2. What can I say Kim? This is TOTAL AWESOME SAUCE-O-LA!!!

    Lynn Dearey :-)


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