Thursday, July 10, 2014

20/20 Is Possible...With Christ

Do you wear glasses or contacts?  Do you remember what it was like when you first got them? 

I was thinking about this the other day and the spiritual analogy just blew me away.  I got glasses when I was 17.  I was a senior in high school and I remember sitting in the back row of my chemistry class and telling the guy in front of me that the chemistry teacher had horrible handwriting.  How did he expect me to read his scribbles on the blackboard?!  The guy turned around and told me I needed glasses.

Huh?  I needed glasses?  Surely not!  I could see just fine thankyouverymuch.  It was the teacher's handwriting that needed work.  And the Department of Transportation was insane if they thought drivers should be able to read those teeny little street signs!  I mean seriously!  I can't tell you how many times I would drive right by a street I was looking for because I couldn't read the sign until I got up right next to it.  Everyone else was crazy because I could see just fine!

And then I got glasses.

I remember walking out of the store after getting my new frames and lenses.  I was in shock!  You mean we're supposed to be able to see individual leaves on trees and individual blades of grass?!  You're kidding me!  I was astounded at how much I couldn't actually see because I didn't have the correct prescription. So it was actually me the whole time and not everyone else?

Now translate that to our spiritual life.  How often do we "see" a situation and think 'what is wrong with that person? can't they see that what they did/said was mean/irresponsible/unbelievable?' How often do we blame others for things we see/feel just like I blamed my high school chemistry teacher and all of the Department of Transportation?

We each perceive the world differently based on our "prescription" yet we don't go to the only One Who sees the world in perfect 20/20 to help us see correctly. We all think we're 20/20.  We think that we're the only one in the world that has a correct view of things.  Everyone else is blind.  How much heartache, loneliness, hurt and anger are a result of our lenses being different than that of someone else?

Last year I went away on a retreat and spent 5 whole days with God, with my "eye doctor".  He did a spiritual exam and showed me that my prescription wasn't 20/20 but more like 20/400!  Haha!  Wasn't I surprised?!  You mean I'm supposed to be able to see others how Christ does?  You mean I was viewing the world through my own hurt and wounds?  I realized how distorted my view had become simply because I hadn't received the correct prescription.

I'm not claiming my vision is 20/20.  I need constant check ups!  Jesus is the only One Who can realign my vision, show my where I need more tweaking and remind me to see through other's lenses so I can have a better idea of how they perceive the world. 

Have you had your check-up yet?

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