The fact that my womb and my breasts are a symbol of who God is, makes this pregnancy mean so much more. I am humbled and honored that God would use me to bring life and speak life into my children and hubby. My body is BEAUTIFUL no matter what the world or Satan might tell me. Father I thank You for this amazing gift.
This weekend the Lord has revealed to me that I am a daughter of a King, romantically fashioned to influence, nurture and bring life to the people in my life. I have learned that the world I've grown up in and heard from has told me some lies that have wrecked the foundation of what I have thought and known about God. I'm a life giver. I can't wait to influence the people in my life with this beautiful gift.
I am enough for Him. We are enough for Him.
I am life giving. Even if I've believed the voices of the world telling me that because I've never had a child, I'm not. I choose to hear and believe the Voice of the Lord Who tells me that I am. I am life giving even though my womb is empty. I will trust the Lord.
This weekend God started tugging at 2 roots that I've known about for a long time but have never been ready to let go of until now. Pride and fault-finding. They both make me act like a jerk but in times past I've always found a way to justify it or pass the blame off to someone else. I asked God why I do this and He revealed to me that I am insecure and scared of being embarrassed. To kill this week God showed me that I am not good, but He is and He dwells within me making me good, therefore all credit for anything I do good goes to God. I believe as my pride begins to melt away, fault-finding will as well, because I will not longer need to find someone else to blame for my behavior.
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