My experience with community and friendship is different then most women’s, at least most women that I know. Not that that is a bad thing; just is what it is.
I grew up in a pretty open and honest home, and my personality is one that I tend to easily make friends. So, as I got older having community and finding people to be vulnerable with was not necessarily hard for me. Where I tended, and honestly can still struggle, is not feeling like I am responsible for the people in my community. I tend to take on their struggles and feel like I need to be their holy spirit, like I need to fix it, and like it is my fault. Lies, to keep me distanced; because really nobody can handle all that pressure - that would be why it is God’s job. I have/am learning to trust God with other people. To just set back and let Him work, some times He uses me in their lives and sometimes I get to just see the miracle and blessing in others lives.
I have gained a group of people that are comfortable and safe to be a mess in and grow. They encourage and support each other and me where they are at. They also show love not just for me but also for my family. It is also a place for Godly advice, encouragement, accountability, and prayer.
Jo Lee
A place for women to come and be encouraged by other women. God designed us for community and He loves when we testify to His goodness!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
God's Beautiful Reminders
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. (Psalms 19:1 NLT)
Everywhere you look it's beautiful, white, clean, pure, still, calm....
Trees take on new shapes. Their bark contrasts so vividly against the brilliant white snow that outlines their delicate branches.

If you go outside you may notice the quiet that comes with the stillness of the snow. It muffles sounds so it seems even quieter! It's a gentle, peaceful, soothing quiet.
Much like the Creator of the snow. He comes and blankets us with His righteousness. Covering us with His sacrifice, we look pure and beautiful.
His Presence brings a gentle, peaceful calm. A stillness unmatched by anything this world can offer. We look different. We feel different. We are different. All because our Savior comes and makes us new.
And then He reminds us of this through the physical world He's placed us in. Truly the heavens declare the works of His hands.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Are You Doing or Supporting?
As a pastor’s wife, mom and a leader of a ministry, I’m
sometimes overwhelmed by the many assignments and visions God gives me for the
future. How do I see it
accomplished? I certainly don’t
have the many gifts required to teach, train, encourage, serve, cook, bless,
create, organize, listen, watch and complete these assignments.
I wonder if Moses felt the same way after God spoke to him about the Israelites. As I’ve been reading through Exodus I’ve been struck by the many specific instructions the Lord gave Moses about the tabernacle, the priest’s robes, the Ark of the Covenant and more. So many details!
I wonder if Moses felt the same way after God spoke to him about the Israelites. As I’ve been reading through Exodus I’ve been struck by the many specific instructions the Lord gave Moses about the tabernacle, the priest’s robes, the Ark of the Covenant and more. So many details!
How could Moses possibly accomplish all that God was
instructing him to do? I mean he’s
just a shepherd. Sure he grew up
in the palace surround by incredible craftsmanship and beauty but he spent much
of his life shepherding. How is he
to do the intricate work required for making these things?
Thankfully we have a God who thinks about such things! Here’s what He did:
Exodus 31:1-7 "Then the LORD said to Moses, “Look, I have
specifically chosen Bezalel son of Uri, grandson of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and
expertise in all kinds of crafts. He is a master craftsman, expert in working
with gold, silver, and bronze. He is skilled in engraving and mounting
gemstones and in carving wood. He is a master at every craft! “And I have
personally appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to be his
assistant. Moreover, I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen so
they can make all the things I have commanded you to make: the Tabernacle; the
Ark of the Covenant; the Ark’s cover—the place of atonement; all the
furnishings of the Tabernacle; the table and its utensils; the pure gold
lampstand with all its accessories; the incense altar; the altar of burnt
offering with all its utensils; the washbasin with its stand; the beautifully
stitched garments—the sacred garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments
for his sons to wear as they minister as priests; the anointing oil; the fragrant
incense for the Holy Place. The craftsmen must make everything as I have
commanded you.” "(Exodus 31:1-11 NLT)
Wow. You mean
He places His Spirit in His people to accomplish it all?
Most definitely!
He knew Moses couldn’t do everything He was telling him to, so He told
Moses whom He had lined up for those jobs. Bezalel and Oholiab and the gifted craftsman weren’t just random
people wandering in the desert; they were given the Spirit of God who gave them
“wisdom, ability and expertise in all kinds of crafts.” I love how God has orchestrated this!
He still does this today! There is no such thing as a random person wandering around
the River Church or the Body of Christ.
God has given us His Spirit to accomplish absolutely everything He has
put in the hearts of His people.
We’ve been given the “wisdom, ability and expertise” necessary.
What happened to the people who weren’t Bezalel and Oholiab
or the gifted craftsman? Amazingly
God thought of that too.
Exodus 36:1-7 "some were called to work on the temple and
some brought gifts and offerings for those who work on the temple"
If they weren’t doing, they were supporting. I believe this is true of each and
every one of us. There will be
times of doing and there will be times of supporting. Our responsibility is to know what God is assigning to us
and then being obedient to it. If
we are in waiting then we are supporting those who are doing right now. Notice He doesn't mention spectating...
So are you doing or supporting or spectating?
Saturday, February 14, 2015
I Love You, Too
In one of Beth Moore's teachings (I have to give credit where credit is due - I love Beth Moore!) she tells a story (and I'm repeating what I remember of it) of how God was showing His glory to her after a long exhausting trip. She was on her way home from the airport and in awe of the incredible sunset. She was worshiping God and giving Him thanks and praise for all He had done at the conference and telling Him how much she loved Him.
And then He stopped her with this verse.
He said you love me because I loved you first.
He wasn't meaning He didn't love her praise or her thanks or her love, He was just reminding her that it's because of His great love for her that she can love Him back.
I've been so struck by that story. There are times when I, too, am overwhelmed by my love for God. It feels like I can't tell Him enough, show Him enough, express just how much He means to me. And then I'm reminded that essentially I'm saying "I love you, too" because the truth is, He's already said I love you over and over and over.
In every breath I take and beat of my heart. Every sunrise, sunset, sunshine or rain, laughter with my loved ones and friends, every scripture I read, worship song I sing, every tear I cry, every day I am on this earth - the ultimate gift of His Son. With all of this and infinitely more He says to me,
"I love you!"
So I reply back, "I love you, too"
Friday, February 13, 2015
God's Manna is Good for Today
is one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. I love the story of
Moses and His friendship with God. I also love how God shows His people
compassion over and over again.
one point when the Israelites were wandering in the desert (because of
their disobedience) they were grumbling and complaining about the food
(or lack their of). God heard their cries and faithfully sent manna for
them each day, except for the Sabbath.
14 When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor. 15 When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was.
Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. 16 This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Everyone is to gather as much as they need. Take an omer[a] for each person you have in your tent.’”
17 The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little. 18 And
when they measured it by the omer, the one who gathered much did not
have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little. Everyone had gathered just as much as they needed.
This was a lesson in trust. If they took too much it was rotten in the morning.
I see this as our daily bread - the Word of God - in our lives. God asks that I eat of His manna each day. He doesn't want me to try and "store up" extra manna to last for days on end. He wants me to come to Him daily and get what I am hungry for. Sometimes I need a lot, sometimes I don't need as much, but each day I gather just as much as my heart craves.
And the funny thing is that while God's word is eternal and powerful and plenty, I need it every single day. Every day it's essential to eat His Word, read it with the Spirit's revelation, absorb it into my very soul. He is so good and faithful to provide exactly what is necessary each and every day. No more. No less. It's just right.
He knows my need. He knows my hunger. He knows how to meet me there. My lesson in trust comes daily as I go to Him, to His provision, knowing that He will provide and His manna is good for today.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Testimony Tuesday - Your passion and calling
The things you are passionate
about are not random, they are your calling.
. Fabienne Fredrickson
Someone posted this on
Facebook a little while ago. It really put in words some things that have been
going on in my life over the last 8 months.
I work as a horse trainer and
in April of last year I left my trainer job of 7 years and went out on my own.
It was a huge step both financially and emotionally. I now needed to make sure
I had enough work to help support my family but also to further my career.
So I talked to God about it.
One thing that happened was that one day when I stood brushing a horse I
thought to myself that “ I
really would like a horse like this” (this particular horse is probably one of the highest
quality horses I’ve
ever worked with, really nice high dollar horse) but then the next thought in
my head was” but what if it would get
injured?” At that moment I heard a
voice (can’t say if it was audible or
not) say “ Why would I not bless you?” It hit me really hard. Did I not have faith that God
would also take care of my horses? It brought me down a new trail of thoughts
and prayers. Was I allowed to pray about my job working with horses? I have
ridden since I was little and it was always my dream and goal to be a professional
trainer. But I don’t
think I ever really prayed about it much, especially not for God to bless me in
it. I only did it because I had fun and loved doing it.
You also need to know that I
have many times in my life seen God move mountains in all kind of areas. I have
always believed God had a calling on my life that I one day would fulfill which
is how I ended up here. I came to
the US to work with troubled teenagers and horses on a Christian boys ranch.
There was suppose to be horses but the main thing was to work with the kids. It
ended up never happening. I did administration work instead.
Anyway here I was realizing
that God actually wanted to bless me in the work I am doing. WOW! All of a
sudden the words I started out with totally made sense. To be a horse trainer
is my life’s passion but also my life’s calling. It is what I am supposed to do. And as one
of our pastors so well talked about a while back, it is about seeing dry bones
come to live one at the time and be intentional in our relationships and we
will see people revived. To be a
missionary doesn’t only
mean to leave your home and country and do something totally foreign (even
though I tried that to and am very thankful I did) but it means to do God’s mission wherever he sends you. And in my case it means to serve him as
I train horses and teach people to ride.
I wish I could make you
understand what a revelation this was to me. I have ridden and trained horses
since I was a kid.
But to realize that this is what God wants me to do with the rest of my
life, He is the one that put that passion in my life, and He wants me to use it
for his glory. I’m
blown away. Now I feel like I can
pray for my job, my clients, my future with a whole new level of faith. Now I
pray With God instead of To him.
This gives me a different
strategy for my future and a feeling of security that is pretty cool!
Daniela Leidy
Monday, February 9, 2015
What Are You Watering?
you ever felt like you’re doing everything you know how to do, with all
your might and nothing is actually getting accomplished? The Lord
reminded me of a word picture He gave me a few years ago when I was
feeling this way yesterday. I wanted to share it with you because I’m
confident that there are ladies out there who feel like I do.
At our old house Mark and I had planted 2 sets of new trees, a small vegetable garden and a little patch of grass. It was our attempt at landscaping the “desert” we lived in. Sadly, the house we lived in had only one spigot for attaching a hose for watering. Our projects were so far away from each other that in order to water them we would’ve had to spend several hours moving hoses each evening.
At our old house Mark and I had planted 2 sets of new trees, a small vegetable garden and a little patch of grass. It was our attempt at landscaping the “desert” we lived in. Sadly, the house we lived in had only one spigot for attaching a hose for watering. Our projects were so far away from each other that in order to water them we would’ve had to spend several hours moving hoses each evening.
The solution we found was an attachment for the spigot where we could
connect 4 hoses, each going to the area that needed watering. God told
me that the only way that attachment worked well was to shut down three
of the hoses and water full blast out of one at a time. If all the hoses
were in use at the same time, everything would be watered but none of
the areas would receive the necessary water. There would only be a
trickle coming from the hose. Much like my life.
If I am so busy doing good things, than it’s very difficult to do the God things that He has assigned me. If my assignments are something like my relationship with God, my husband, my children, women’s ministry and writing (a new thing He speaking to me), and I’m trying to do all at the same time…well none of them get the water and attention they need. If I’m trying to write an email and teach my children, communicate with Mark and squeeze in a quiet time you can imagine how loved everyone feels! I’m pouring out all my energy but nothing is getting done well. I am learning how to set aside specific times for each thing with as few distractions as I can; a difficult assignment to be sure, but a necessary one in order to each area to get the required attention.

Lord show us where our focus needs to be and help us to discipline ourselves to better accomplish the things you’ve set before us. Amen!
Friday, February 6, 2015
Are You Enough?
Last week was
the biggest event in football - the Super Bowl. Did you watch the
dramatic ending? Or were you more focused on the commercials? I
admit to both. I enjoy watching a good game and the good commercials are
always fun. There was a lot of drama surrounding this year's game and
personally as a Bronco fan, I didn't really care too much who won. I'm
not a fan of either team. But something hit me when I heard the news
about the Patriot's homecoming celebration in Boston.
They had
delayed the big parade because of the weather, which still wasn’t great the day
of the parade but the fans still showed up in huge numbers to cheer on the
Super Bowl Champs. As I was
listening to the radio news describe the event, the broadcaster remarked at how
the Patriots were holding up four fingers to the fans, representing the four
Super Bowl victories they had won since 2002 under the leadership of Bill
Belichick. A pretty remarkable
feat no matter how you feel about the team.
What surprised
me, and made me a little sad, was what the broadcaster said next. As the Patriots held up four fingers,
the fans held up five – signifying they wanted five wins now. Wow.
As if four
wasn’t a great accomplishment in and of itself, the fans wanted more. Four is great but five is better! Almost immediately I heard the Lord
remind me, “The world will always want more. You can never do enough or be enough to satisfy them.”
How true. I have encountered this more times than
I’d care to admit. How many times
have I tried harder, worked longer, made up my hair/face/clothes to match the
magazines, read the blogs on being a better wife, mom, homeschool parent,
friend, pastor’s wife etc… All to no avail. I fall flat when I listen to what the world wants.
You didn’t
yell at your kids today? Good for
you. Now make sure they excel in sports and education. Cooked a gourmet, organic meal? Eh. Grow your own veggies if you really cared about your
family. Went on a date with your
hubby? Make sure that your body looks like the model on the magazine or he’ll
look elsewhere.
It’s enough to
make you crazy and feel like you’re a hamster in a wheel. Running and running but never really
getting anywhere.
But then I
tune my ears to God. I seek Him first and I measure up every time. Not because I am perfect but because He
is. I'm always growing and changing but it isn't to please the un-pleasable, it's submitting to the One Who knows me intimately and wants the best for me and my family. Opposite of the cookie cutter,
impossible to achieve expectations the world gives us.
Feeling like just when you get ahead you discover you're actually far, far behind? Who are you
listening to?
Law Vs. Grace,
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Testimony Tuesday - Being a part!
Many probably remember how Pastor Mark began 2014 with a sermon series called the “Measure of a Strong Church” where he encouraged us to read the first few chapters of Revelation and throughout the series we were to assess ourselves – as individual Christ followers and as members of the body. I was thoroughly challenged especially since (1) I had feared reading Revelation because I was afraid, specifically of the end times, and (2) our life group had recently read through it with ambivalent results. One of Pastor Mark’s requests from the church body was to seek God as we read through Revelation and ask God to reveal to us specific things about the River Church. How did we (as the church) measure up? Which of the seven churches (or a combination thereof) did we resemble?
described seven churches are Ephesus (the lacking love church), Smyrna (the
persecuted church), Pergamum (the compromising church), Thyatira (the corrupt
church), Sardis (the dead church), Philadelphia (the faithful church), and
Laodicea (the lukewarm church).
through this opening part of Revelation again was different because I asked God
to open my heart and my eyes – I wanted to please God regardless of my
feelings. I wondered if our
gracious and merciful Savior knew that others would be just like me and so He
provided a blessing for those who read it: Blessed is the one who
reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to
heart what is written in it, because the time is near (Rev. 1:3). God is all-knowing! He knew I would be afraid. Part of my fear is the brilliant and
rich figures of speech; the language amazes and startles at the same time, and
honestly I didn’t position my heart to read it. I know now that the enemy was using that fear to block me
from receiving God’s blessing.
How I
completely missed being in God’s glory because I did not position myself to
hear Him! For me, positioning
myself involves several things: praying for God to reveal to me the inner
depths of my sin, to repent of that sin, and to expect to hear God’s voice
every time. I love hearing God’s
voice – from hushed whispers to thunderous booms. He is faithful every time. My part of the faithful equation is much harder to keep. I did eventually write a list of
comparisons between the seven churches and ours. As I looked at the list of qualities, I asked God what to do
with this finding. At this time,
the corporate fast was in progress so I just prayed about the list for a few
days. Then, I prayed for all the
church leaders by name and specific area corresponding to the list. Then, I prayed for the church body as a whole and then
individually. Then, I prayed for myself
to find my part in the church body.
So I did what God wanted me to do, but I did it alone (which was never
God’s intention) all year long!
Throughout the year, my desire to know God, read God’s word,
study God’s word was growing but I did it alone. I knew I was disobeying God. I asked for forgiveness. I asked for grace.
And of course, God gave it all, including favor and provision. May it be said that 2015 was a year of
revival in the River Church – and needless to say I will be part of it. So it is with great mercy that I ask
all who read this to consider joining me in a new ministry. I am calling it the Study Guide
team. Just as God revealed to that
I am not the only one who was afraid to read through the book of Revelation, I
am certain that I am not the only one who desires to know more of God through
the weekly sermons. I do believe
that God is leading Pastor Mark to guide our church so as part of the body we
need to be positioned to receive and apply God’s word. I shared my idea with Mark and Jill and
they commissioned me to move forward.
I did already speak to a couple of folks, but we definitely need more
folks involved so we will have enough on the team to rotate throughout the
month. Thus, the call out for the
Study Guide team.
WHO: All those whom God calls
WHAT: A committed group of believers who
will serve 1st and 2nd service to collectively write a
Study Guide based on that morning’s sermon
HOW: The assigned Study Guide team will
attend 1st service and take notes, and then the team will meet
together during 2nd service and type out a Study Guide for life
groups to use during the week
WHY: We our called to study God’s word
(and apply it), to fellowship with other believers, and it makes God happy
My heart is what Pastor Mark preached recently on Isaiah
58:6-8. By providing our church
body with a guide to dig deeper into God’s and apply it to our lives, we will
see the untying of “the cords of the yoke” and “light will break forth like the
dawn.” Please email with
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