Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Testimony Tuesday - Experience Greater Relationship!

OK here goes. I am experiencing the presence, essence of the Holy Spirit.  I have been a Christian for many years, but until recently I have only experienced the presence of God at church, while worshiping, or hanging with other Christians.  I knew I was missing something as when I got home I felt something missing. I read my bible, I helped out in ministry, I have church friends, THOUGHT I was experiencing God,  but had never felt or experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  I started to experience this several years ago, when I was in a peaceful place in my life, reading my bible daily, and being unencumbered by “the world”.  But low and behold, I thought God wanted me to be busy, started a business, got all caught up in the realization of my dream. Of course, the business failed, it was never God's idea, it was my own, and I had consulted other Christians to affirm God's blessing, not Him personally.    I am back in that place now where I spend time with Him on a daily basis, read His Word, participate in a bible study, still help out at church, but I have discovered His Holy Presence with me at all times.  Since this revelation I breathe deeply,  I am set free, no longer chained to the world. 

Psalm 25:14  “The Lord tells His secrets to those who respect Him,  He tells them about His agreement.”   This verse holds special meaning to me.  After reading it, I truly knew He wanted me to know things about Him, His character, on a personal intimate basis. 

I joined a bible study, low and behold, my computerized work schedule accommodated my time with some wonderful women. Which, was another answer to prayer, as I didn't feel like I belonged to any particular group at our church, and was praying for a sense of belonging.  Another bible study came along (different teacher, different theme) and continued to speak to me like a personal tale straight from the Holy Spirit.  I would read my bible at home, and go to church and hear Mark mention the exact same passages I had just read earlier.  It's like the Holy Spirit is not coming and going but is constantly with me and my experience with Him is personal, in my face, on a moment to moment basis.  I guess I want to say,  for me, experiencing God's intimacy, being first in my life, is actually placing him first on my agenda,  not, after my family, my friends, my work, and on and on.  Thank you for allowing me to share my love for my Savior and His comfort, peace, protection, and dependability.  Yay God!!

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