Third is peace with others. Peace with others can only come after we have done the first two. It comes when we shift our focus from others - in comparison and judgement - to God.
Imagine looking straight up to the ceiling. How much can you see around you? Not much. Your focus is on the ceiling and not on anything else. If we want to know what's going on around us we need to ask questions of the One Who can see clearly.
When we look at others we interpret their actions and motives through our own filter. But when we look to God we can ask Him about their actions and motives. He can tell us what we need to know and how we can help. I'm not saying don't see people, I am saying don't filter what you see through your own eyes. Filter it through His. It's a beautiful, peaceful difference.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."
It seems to contradict but it doesn't. He didn't come to bring peace as the world expects. He's bringing Shalom - the fullness of life enjoyed in complete security.
And the enemy hates it. The Prince of Peace interrupts the enemy's plan and he will not give up easily. Therefore there is conflict between Christ and Satan, light and darkness...
Satan comes to destroy peace with God, peace within and peace with others. In the garden he said to Eve "Did God really say?" (peace with God), "Surely you won't die" (peace within), and when God asked Adam and Eve what happened they responded with "She gave it to me" "The serpent said..." (peace with others). He presents us with a false peace, one without struggle or strife, one where we can have things our way. It's a lie.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
He knew that real peace didn't come from the world but in relationship with Him - the One Who overcame it.
It's a peace that says I am secure even in the midst of _________ (fear, disappointment, confusion...).
Jesus faced the cross for us, not with fear and doubt, but with peaceful courage. He surrendered His will in the garden of Gethsemane and showed us that it can be done. He walked the hill of Calvary while being mocked and spat upon and some of His final words were forgive them. He is the example and embodiment of the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding.
Peace on Earth can be experienced with the Prince of Peace. Won't you let Him show you how?
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