Peace seems like a fairy tale. Especially when you turn on the news and read about the violence against all of humanity, all over the world.
But then I turn on Christmas music and quickly I hear "peace on earth, goodwill to men."
What is it about Christmas that makes us think of peace? I believe it's because the Prince of Peace came to earth and because of that, peace is truly possible.
In America the term peace is clearly connected with the absence of war. But the Bible describes peace (Shalom) as more than the absence of conflict - it is the fullness of life enjoyed in complete security.
I want that! Is that even possible? Peace on earth? How can we experience the peace of God while living in this world full of war?

The world's peace - what it is trying to sell us - depends on other's behavior. I can say from experience that when my peace depends on how others behave I am always disappointed. We are all selfish creatures and can often have the attitude of "when others agree with me or do what I want, things will be better". Yeah. That's not gonna work.
God's peace depends on Him. He is faithful. So if we are reconciled to Him - have peace with Him, we are one huge step closer to the peace of God invading our lives.
Second is peace within. This is possible when we stop fighting for control of our lives and circumstances and surrender to God. When we trust His plans for us. When we lay ourselves down so that He may be glorified in us. When we put aside our plans for His (something Mary and Joseph did!).
Peace is a fruit of the Spirit and this means that we can't manufacture real, authentic peace without Him. We can have the illusion of peace from the outside but on the inside we are tied up in knots trying to make sure that people and circumstances continue to look and behave how we think they should. What a mess! Surrender seems scary but it is freedom and peace.
Part 2 next week
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