Friday, April 24, 2015

Testimony - Is This My Battle?

Have you ever found yourself resenting a person or situation that you were in? In stopping to ponder this in my own life, there was a profound reminder that presented itself.

”Did you pick up a burden that wasn’t yours to carry?”

Recently I’ve had this conversation with our Father about two different situations. One that He called me to help with and the other where I helped in the wrong area of need - picking up something that wasn’t mine to “carry” or “fix”.

The first situation was full of prayer, with a dream of preparing the way so that my heart would be open to what God had planned. During this time each week I was called to pray, and each week there was a simple word given to speak over those in charge - Peace, Wisdom and to Bless them.  This time wasn’t easy, but leaning on Jesus for support made each day freeing.

The second situation, the burden I was not asked to carry, caused bitterness, anger and resentment. It took me to a place that I’m not proud of. Causing me to lash out instead of taking time to pray and see what the Father was asking me to do. Once prayer and worship was able to enter my heart again, I was reminded of a word spoken at our church recently. Forgive me as I’m paraphrasing what was said since at the time it didn’t resonate.

“If you are tired of fighting a battle, stop and ask if this was a battle God asked you to fight or if you picked up a sword in a battle that isn’t yours to fight.”

As I sit here this morning, finally able to write, I'm looking back over the second battle after dropping the burden. It's freeing, but honestly it is still hard. I'm realizing that using someone else's sword will cause wounds in others as well as yourself. 

Now it is time to ask for forgiveness. To sit at Christ’s feet in worship, pray and study. To hear what his path for my life is and follow it. To remember in ALL situations to seek His guidance for our lives, even in the small details.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Thank you for sharing this. Such a vivid reminder.


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