“But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
and submission is better than offering the
fat of rams," 1 Samuel 15:22
Looking back, I now see how God was preparing for me life as a Hospital Mom. Having a child with chronic health problems means that no two weeks are the same - rarely two days! You live with a hospital bag packed. You keep medical records in a folder you can grab on the way out the door in the middle of the night. In the winter, you keep sidewalks plowed to leave in snow storms and the gas tank rarely goes below half a tank.
And somewhere along the road, you even begin to the embrace the chaos. You learn to laugh at odd things. One night, driving into the emergency room, my daughter and I were making up sayings for t-shirts like - “Ask me one more time on a Scale of 1-10… then we will see what your pain level is!”
There are seasons of peace and then meds changes, bodies change and things get complicated again.
On January 14, 2016, I wrote, “almost half-way through the month. Almost. We were at Day 14 before we went to an emergency room. It's been 9 months since our last ER vsisit.” That night, we visited two ERs before receiving treatment - the first one was full and her care would have been delayed so long that the likelihood of her being admitted for pain management increased with each 10 minutes. It was frustrating, to say the least. For both of us.
The next day, I received the following reply to my social media post about the night’s events.

We were indeed in the first room on the right! I cried as I read this note. Before I had a need, God had already placed an advocate there to intercede for me! As we waited for the doctors that night, I had excused myself to the restroom where I did what I rarely allow - I broke down in tears. Messy crying. Crouched in the corner of the bathroom, forehead on my knees, sobbing. No prayers of faith. No words of wisdom. Just one heart-broken mom that my child was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do to help her.
She went on to write: “It was awesome! God is awesome! . . .He was there for you!!! He was there before you! We were there first! Lol.”
The most amazing part of this story is that how God showed this Momma that she was loved - He still knew her name; that she was valued - He knew He could use her to pray; and that His timing was perfect- she was there first.
My friend’s obedience that night began when she chose that hospital to seek care for her child. It continued when she prayed. And in sharing the story, it was completed! I needed to hear how God had made provision for us and also had God redeemed our pain by calling His daughter back to Him.
Where is God calling you to obey today? It may be simple, even seem silly - but never discount that quiet voice that urges you to Go. Pray. Love. Obey.
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