Life is a series of "hurry up and wait" moments strung together with pieces of fine twine, blown about by circumstances and held in place by faith.
Our days begin a rush. Commuters, travelers, students all in a hurry.
Even vacations begin in chaos. Up early, get to the airport early -- wait in line for luggage, security and of course coffee.
A mother's life is especially defined by these Waiting Moments --
Waiting for Conception. For Delivery. For Crawling. For Potty training. For School. For Graduation. For moving out. For the call home.
The promises of God can seem like that too.
Hurry --- Pray. Fast. Seek. Listen. Hear from God
Wait --- Him to answer and His Word to be fulfilled.
The Children of Israel knew this very well.
They received the promise of a deliverer and waited generations to see a Savior.
Rulers came and went. Nations rose and fell. Dictators came into power and disappeared. Captivity, deliverance, freedom, captivity. . .
They did not let the Promise die. Through pain and suffering and waiting, they believed God would not lie.

Our entertainment comes in bite-sized pieces. Media presents life's tragedies and solves them in 30 minutes, 2 hours or 15 weeks depending upon the attention span of the audience.
We want God to do the same. To hear, promise, and deliver in 30 minutes or we get our money back.
Like David, we cry,
"Remember your word to your servant,
for you have given me hope,"
Psalm 119:49.
When an accident broke my back, my mother prayed and God healed instantly. When I pleaded with God for a child, He took 5 years to fulfill His promise of a son.
Our daughter came as beautiful surprise blessing. Yet after her stroke, God never said He would heal her but He did promise to walk with us every single day. Sometimes God has delivered her out of situations and healed a complication. The cerebral palsy remains. The movement disorder remains. Our faith remains.
Not every prayer has a promise - yet. Not every promise has been fulfilled - yet.
Some days I wonder if He has forgotten me - then I remember all the other answered prayers and my faith grows in His sovereignty and Goodness.
Numerous are the cries God has yet to answer, even after years and even decades of faithfully bringing them before His throne.
His answer remains --
"Don't let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God - Trust also in me,"
John 14:1 (NLT).
Hurry up and wait - God's way
How do we wait for the fulfillment of His promises?
1. Hurry
- To God in Prayer
"Never stop praying, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (GWT).
2. Wait
- Humbly
"Be humbled by God's power so that when the right time comes he will honor you."
1 Peter 5:6 (GWT).
- With Expectancy
"Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly," Psalm 5:3 (NLT).
- Always Remember
"Take these words of mine to heart and keep them in mind," Deuteronomy 11:18 (GWT).
God told the Children of Israel to remember His promises to them, to write them down and teach them to their children."
What has God promised you that you are doubting? Write down the promise. Put it where you can see it and read often. Remember He is Faithful.
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