Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Testimony Tuesday - Breaking Strongholds

In mid-February, we went to visit my uncle in Window Rock, AZ and we can home with 2 puppies.  They were lying on the side of the road and we noticed them when we first pulled up to my uncle’s house.  A couple days later, they were still there.  We had seen puppies like these numerous times before when we visit him, and we knew there was a likely chance these pups would join a dog pack or be hit by a car.  When we stopped to get a better view of them, one of them immediately ran up to us.  The other one soon followed.  They were dirty, skinny, and very sweet.  They slept most of the way to their new home.
We named them Mae and Dusty, and they were home for only 3 days before Dusty got sick.  We quickly figured out, she had parvo.  Every vet we talked with made note that parvo can be fatal and the pup would need intensive care for at least 48 hours. The cost would be high and the outcome uncertain. I was so conflicted.  I thought we were doing the right thing rescuing these puppies.  I thought they were a blessing from God.  And now I was being faced with a tough decision.  My impulse was to euthanize them – that while we tried to do a good thing, it was no big deal to put them down since we could easily find more pups on our next trip to the rez.  

On that day in late February, our loving Father God was speaking to me to release the stronghold of detachment, something that has been my philosophy from childhood.  He brought to mind how much he loves me and how much he wants me to care about these rescued puppies because He still recuses and He still heals.  By God’s strength, I reached out and asked for help – and God provided.  The pups were nursed back to health and as they grow and become part of our family.

I continue to see how I need to change (not as a punishment) but because I am prohibiting God’s blessing by maintaining and being overburdened by this stronghold of detachment.   God is teaching me to invest in relationships – with my children especially.  
My four daughters are older and over the last few years I’ve felt like I needed to take a break from nurturing.  I realize now that the reason I was so tired was because all my energy was going into maintaining the stronghold of detachment.  I thought I needed a break from parenting and I just really needed to break free from my stronghold.  What a revelation! 

However, this re-building of relationship is tough work especially with teenage and college-age children.  I am praying constantly for God to soften our hearts so we can receive the blessings from a mother-daughter relationship.  It has been awkward at times but God is good and He is true to His word – if we abide in Him, He will abide in us.  
In stressed situations, my first impulse is still to detach, but God is patient with me.  Nowadays, I am much more attune to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit.  I am much more apt to receive instruction like one being taught rather than one being punished.  I have learned to see how I believed the enemy’s lies, how I had unbelief.  I know God as a true friend, trustworthy Father and Prince of Peace.  

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Esther Belin


  1. Love this! It has been amazing and inspiring to watch all God has done in you the last few years.

  2. Beautifully put, Esther! Thank you for sharing from your heart.


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